Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating & Mindful Eating

A couple of years ago I hear about the book Health at Every Size and then seeing some social media posts about it. The big argument against this movement is that it is thought to promote obesity…I was also seeing a lot about intuitive eating and mindful eating. I was intrigued by it, but it felt like it went against everything I knew about health and maintaining or losing weight. In theory, we are born intuitive eaters, right? So, in true Heidi fashion, I bought all the book and educated myself on the topic. In the end, it does not promote obesity. If you hear someone say that, ask if they have actually read the books or if they are going off of information gained on social media. These books give you the tools and permission to return to being an intuitive eater. Something that many of us are taught is wrong by the time we make it to kindergarten.

Here is what I learned-

Health At Every Size: (The research data in this book made my head hurt. One day dieting will be looked at like smoking. We will wonder how it was ever recommended as a health tool.)   

·        Dieting does not work. It leads to rebound weight and reduces metabolic effectiveness.

·        Letting go of an “ideal” number and accepting yourself for where you are is not the same thing as complacency.

·        If you are thin, you can be healthy or sick. You still need to prioritize movement, consume vegetables, fruit and healthy fats and sufficient protein.

·        You can be heavier bodied and be healthy or sick. Some fat acts as a protective barrier against some diseases. (Read the book if you want more info). You still need to prioritize movement, consume vegetables, fruit and healthy fats and sufficient protein.

·        Accepting and loving your body at the size is not the same thing as complacency. No one has hated themselves thin or healthier. Acceptance, compassion and action are the answers. They make the journey enjoyable.  


Intuitive Eating:

·        Dieting does not work. It leads to rebound weight and reduces metabolic effectiveness.

·        You don’t need to cut out any foods.

·        There are no “good” foods or “bad” foods. There are healthier foods and there are fun foods.

·        You still need to prioritize unrefined foods such as vegetables, fruits, meats and healthy fats.

·        Fun foods should be incorporated often enough that you don’t feel deprived.

·        You will have to learn your hunger signals.

·        You will have to learn to trust that you can have fun foods and learn not to binge. (Think of being a teenager in a rebellious stage, eventually you move out of it. Especially the more freedom you are given.)

·        To honor your hunger, you need to have food handy. Pack your snacks! Feeding yourself when you are hungry is key to avoiding later overeating or binges. 

·        Accepting and loving your body at the size is not the same thing as complacency. No one has hated themselves thin or healthier. Acceptance, compassion, and action are the answers. They make the journey enjoyable.  

·        Buy clothes that comfortably fit your current body. Rehome the clothes that no longer fit you. You are no longer that person. And even if you return to that size, you are still no longer that version of yourself. Buy clothes that fit and compliment this new version of yourself.

I did a little dive into mindful eating as well, guess what, it was a repeat of all the above information.

There is some nuance to becoming a mindful and intuitive eater. Keeping a food journal helps. (As long as it does not lead to obsessive behavior.) Once you learn your hunger signals and what foods work for you, the need for a food journal slips quietly into the background. (Think of the food journal as training wheels when you are learning to ride a bike.) You may need a bridge and support system while learning this new way of eating, which is why I offer the Food Journaling as a Mindfulness Tool mini-series.  It is a 6-week interactive group coaching experience. For more information on the next start date, make sure you get on the email list.   

If you want to read the books for yourself:

Health At Every Size is written by Linda Bacon, RD

Intuitive Eating is written by Evelyn Tribole MS RDN CEDRD-S, Elyse Resch MS RDN CEDRD-S FAND