In memory…
Me and my father, the man behind the journey.
It all started when…
Hi! I am Heidi Gill and I help women prevent type 2 diabetes, have healthy digestive systems and build a life that nourishes them.
My health journey started in 2012 after my 54-year-old father suffered a heart attack that landed him on the heart transplant list (and ultimately his death at the young age of 59). The root cause of his heart issues? Type 2 diabetes. Untreated and uncontrolled for years. His heart attack scared me enough to go have a health panel done by my primary care doctor. My doctor and I were both surprised at the findings. At 35 my thyroid was underactive (hypothyroid), I was prediabetic and my C-Reactive protein levels (inflammation indicators) were 3 times what they should have been for a woman my age. I also have a genetic mutation that makes it more difficult for my body to manage inflammation as well as absorb and utilize nutrients.
In order to not repeat my fathers life, I took things serious. I immersed myself in nutrition certifications while working my way toward getting a degree as a dietician. I first hand know the struggle to figure out food allergies and sensitivities. Working with my digestive issues was the first place I started since the current research is pointing to the diversity of gut microbes as a key to managing diabetes, inflammation and metabolism. I know how frustrating it can be to eat in a manner that shouldn’t spike your blood sugar, only to realize stress also impacts your levels. I also know how hard it is to prioritize that level of self-care. It can feel extremely selfish to prioritize yourself above all other obligations. As a child that lost her father way to early. I wish he would have been more selfish.
I know what its like to grieve the “normal” life you lived before being diagnosed with diabetes or other life changing health issues. I know how difficult it can be to stay focused long-term. I also know how rewarding it can be to break generational health curses and set an example for our children.
I never made it to the dietician program. After repeatedly hearing clients say “I know what to eat, I just don’t.” I realized the problem is in creating lasting behavior change and mindset shifts. I became a certified health coach to compliment my nutrition background. The journey from nutritionist to coach to social worker was a natural one. Issues with food are very rarely about the food. It is often a way to cope and self-soothe at the end of a rough day. It can be a way to unwind because we were never taught a different way to relax or care for self. It can be because we are eating our words instead of having difficult conversations. The list goes on and on. Food is simply the vehicle that points to where there is still work to be done.
If your journey sounds a little like mine, and you need help getting started or you have been on your health journey for a while and simply need a little additional support, I would love to speak with you.
A little about my educational background:
There are a ton of nutritionist, health coaches, yoga teachers, massage therapist and social workers out there. I also know that it is quite an investment to incorporate health coaching into your budget on a regular basis. So, I want share the educational background so you can be confident that you are choosing the right person to support and coach you.
Associates of General Science
Bachelor’s of Social Work
Yoga Teacher Training-
Yoga School of Covington (2006-2010)
Completed 200 hour level teacher training
Yoga for Eating Disorders
Nutrition & Coaching -
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Certification (2013)
GAPS Practitioner Training (2019)
Health Coach Certification by American Council on Exercise (2020)
Prevent T2 Lifestyle Coach/Diabetes Prevention Program Coach (March 2021)
Massage Therapy-
· Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy(January 2005) Nashville Tennessee
· OrthoMassage Workshop with James Waslaski, (May 2005) AMTA State Convention, Lafayette, La
· Introduction To Thai Massage (March 2006) with Stephanie Shrum N.O, La
· Headaches: Types, Triggers & Treatments (April 2006) David Kent AMTA State Convention, Lafayette, La
· Creative Play in Thai Massage (March 2007) Stephanie Shrum, Baton Rouge, La
· Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 (August 2007) Upledger Institute, N.O. La
· Massage and Pathology / Ethics (May 2008) Ruth Werner, AMTA State Convention, Lafayette, La
· Problem Conditions 1 (Nov. 2008) Magnus Ekland, Baton Rouge, La
· Kinetic Deep Tissue- Lower Body (Sept. 2009) Magnus Ekland, Baton Rouge, La
· Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (Feb 2010), The Barral Institute, Gainesville, Florida
· Got Back? NMT Essentials for the Back (May 2010), AMTA State Convention, Lafayette, La
· CORE: "Chest, Neck and Head" & "Back Specifics" (May 2011), AMTA State Convention, Baton Rouge, La
· Advanced Massage Fusions (November 2011) Stephanie Shrum, New Orleans, La
· Certified Infant Massage Instructor Training CIMI (March 2012)
· Abdominal Massage (Feb 2014), Donna Caire, Abita Springs, La
· The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy "Level One- Self Care" (2014)
· Body Parts: Visceral Anatomy of Bladder & Kidney (Aug. 2015)
· Facial Massage Home Study Course (March 2017)
· Body Listening in 3D: Envisioning What and How We Touch, Donna Caire (2018)
· Graston Technique (Oct. 2019)
. Prenatal Massage (2020)
. Chakra Balancing (2022)
. Lymphatic Drainage (2022)
Other Credentials-
First Degree Reiki, (Nov. 2006) Donna Laurents
Second Degree Reiki (Feb 2008) Robin Cunningham
Energetic Trauma Technique (2018) Sue Heldebrand
Chakra Balancing (2022) Sue Heldebrand
Healing Touch Level 1& 2 (2023) Mary Frost